Monday, October 8, 2012

Giving is the ultimatum

In Hinduism, we believe that giving makes you a better person and that the deed is considered to be the highest level of great deed, one which adds to your list of "dharmam" and instant reduction on your "karma's". In hinduism, the dharma and karma are opposite of each other, basically its the shadow of one another. You can see the consequences of your action form into the other (like when the sun shines upon karma, only dharma's shadow will be seen and vice versa).
In one of part of the Mahabharatam during the Kurukshetra war, Karnan's generosity will be brought to limelight and it will garner him popularity as well as the sighthing of the great krishna's vishwaroopam.. (Well, who wouldn't want to have a glimpse of the greatest god). and Karnan was and is remembered and talked for all his good deeds, as well as his courage.
(My understanding is mainly based from a movie and some online reading so to speak.)
Well that's an old story!!!

What about the new one's.. there are many good Samaritan's out there aren't they? And are you one of them?
Well I'm not, or should I say yet to be one of them. 

Some people think, if they are willing to fork out some $$$ from their pocket that can be a wealthy donation and it should reach to some needy kids or orphans and that they have achieved the "dharmam" requirement in their life and that they will be secured for all their karma's. Is it that true????
For some they think it is still not within their capacity to do the dharma, as they have more time ahead of the days and they would do it soonest possible. Sadly I'm pretty much falling into this category. Why??? My humanly desire's, greed and other not so good attribute refrains me from doing it. And yes, there is always tomorrow or the next month, where I could, would and must spare my pay check.
But on the contrary however, there's been some (very minimal in fact) instances, where I have fairly (my discretion mind it) done my part of the good quest to the needy one's.
But is that enough for me to personify my personality to represent the character of an Ultimate Giver..Well I'm not sure!!!
But i do know that it gives a god damn well satisfied grin on the faces of those who does it much regularly, more generously and what more without any reservation so to speak.


mamtc said...

Good one. You are not going to like I am going to say, anyway.
I think we should underplay this "rich should always give away their wealth to poor" mantra and focus on inspiring the less priviledged and help them to achieve theor dream and make them feel that being to born as poor or born to unfortunate parents is no fault and they have all skills and rights and priviledges to achieve what they want.

Now, this current trend is focus on making on rich feel guilty about their growth and success and poor always feel that rich owe the poor their hardearned money even if the poor had nothing to do with their success. Instead poor should focus on following rich footsteps and achieve wealth.

I would tell my kids the same thing, rich doesnt owe you anything and they dont have any rights to stop your growth either, so instead of blaming and expecting the rich to share your wealth, work hard and invent and innovate and earn your wealth.

I wrote a piece about this.

soulsearcher said...

you are right we can never expect things but instead should work for it.